

SICS Fellowship

1 Month


This fellowship program provides surgical exposure to management of cataract disorders. Nethradhama has trained, refined and molded multiple students into skilled and ethical ophthalmologists as they step into bright & promising careers.


Post MS/MD/DNB ophthalmology or any equivalent degree recognized by MCI


2 seats every month


1 month

Course fee & Stipend

As per the Hospital guidelines

Program Overview

Teaching Program

Regular Seminars

Video based discussion of cases

Surgical Training

SICS Wet Labs

Observation of Operating Theatre (OT) Procedures

One on one surgical training

How To Apply

Please send the applications at along with your Curricular Vittae and scanned copies of your education qualifications


Hospital Postings

Rotational posting in the retina department. Students are also trained to manage emergency cases under the guidance.

Charitable Hospital Postings 

Retina fellows students are posted once a week to Charitable Hospital for performing surgeries and handling independent OPD. 


Library For Students

The library facilities are available 24x7 containing all the latest books/journals.

Cutting Edge Equipment

All fellows have access to the latest diagnostic and therapeutic equipment and get hands on experience.


The in-house microbiology lab gives students a chance to understand the preparation of slides/culture media and diagnose infections.


Healthy and homelike meals are available inhouse canteen.


Our Alumuni Speak

Our Alumuni Speak

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