Maj Naveen completed his primary medical education from Vijay Nagara institute of medical sciences (VIMS) Bellary. Subsequently joined Indian Army and served as Regimental medical officer and as a commando instructor during last 2 yrs of service. Completed his postgraduate training in Ophthalmology from Command hospital Airforce (CHAF, Bangalore) followed by Fellowship in Vitreoretina from Nethradhama Bangalore. Subsequent to fellowship
Maj Naveen has served at multiple institutes as consultant Vitreoretina surgeon and Head of Vitreoretina services. He has also served as seniors consultant in CFS Delhi and LV Prasad eye institute, after which he is joining back Nethradhama where he started his journey of Vitreoretina as a fellow 12 years back.
He has vast surgical experience in managing complicated retinal detachments, diabetic tractional detachments, ocular trauma and intraocular foreign bodies, Endophthalmitis and complicated uveitis cases. He has the credit of innovating suprachoroidal space injections by self-made needle. The novel technique and results have been presented at multiple conferences at state and national level. Which has also won gold medal for the innovation at national level.
Maj Naveen is a passionate teacher and is actively involved in the resident and fellowship training. Trained more than 6 fellows in Vitreo-retina in multiple institutes.
Apart from surgical work, his main focus is for innovations and newer techniques of treatment and diagnosis. He has delivered more than twenty talks in national and state level scientific conferences either as panel member or judge. He has credit of winning best paper and poster at national level.
When he is not at work, he loves spending time cycling, driving, reading books and trekking.