Dr Pradeep TM is a practising ophthalmologist with an experience of 9 years and is a vitreo retina consultant since 3 years.
He persued his MBBS in the year 2013 from MMCRI, Mysore. He completed his MS (OPHTHALMOLOGY) in the year 2017 from MSRMC, Bangalore. He completed his DNB (Ophthalmology) in the year 2018 and He has done long term Fellowship in Surgical vitreo retina an Research from Sankara Nethralaya,Chennai in 2020.
Dr Pradeep TM is an experienced, skilled doctor in his field of specialization. He is specialized in posterior segment surgeries. His special interest is in Minimal incision Vitrectomy Surgeries (MIVS) for diabetic retinopathy,retinal detachment,macular hole,epiretinal membrane and Trauma etc.